In an article in the Summit Daily News, dated March 29, 2007, Bob Berwyn reports that the Breckenridge town council got an update on resort plans from the Forest Service.
Ski area development on Peak 6 is all but a done deal. U. S. Forest Service District Ranger Rick Newton states " The bottom line is, there will be skiing on Peak 6. The skier density at Breckenridge is high ... especially compared to other resorts in the area ... more terrain makes sense. The intermediate terrain on Peak 6 is what they're after". Newton referred to the resort's perceived need to spread out crowds on peak days.
Although the fundamental decision to allocate Peak 6 for resort-based sking was reached in 2002, public involvement will be part of a site-specific review of a Peak 6 proposal. The site-specific proposal would answer the only question remaining: What type of ski development might occur in the area? Newton mentioned hike-to and cat-served sking as possible options, along with lift-assisted skiing. Concerns about wildlife impacts and backcountry access would be addressed during the site-specific review.
The timing of a Peak 6 expansion is still up in the air, according to Rick Sramek, vice president of Ski Area operations. "We went 15 years between developing Peak 10 and Peak 7. At the earliest, a Peak 6 plan could be on the table a year from now.
Although the town of Breckenridge doesn't have a formal role in the Forest Service approval process, Breckenridge Mayor Ernie Blake expressed apreciation for the willingness of ski resort leaders to come back to the town a second time to outline their plans.