Monday, November 06, 2006

Early snow may bode well for the 2006 ski season

Bob Berwin reports in the November 4th Summit Daily News that just more than three feet of snow fell in Breckenridge in October, making it the third wettest October in the 110 years on record.

October is generally one of the driest months, but a strengthening El Nino in the central Pacific has already been pumping moisture into the West. Climate researchers and forecasters said this could bring copious fall and early winter snows, with another wet spell in the spring.

Rick Bly, National Weather Service observer said that of the wettest Octobers on record, three were followed by way above average [snowfall] winters, and four were followed by winters with precip slightly above average.

As a result of the snow, riverflows have helped snowmakers at local ski areas at just the right time. Snow moisture content is some 300 percent above normal for this time of year.

All this bodes well for ski area real estate, which to a large extent is a function of the quality and quality of skiing in the winter.