In a Summit Daily News article by Allen Best, on October 2, 2006, the question "Is it somehow healthier to live in Summit County? was answered "YES" by a new study by Harvard University.
Summit County, along with six other counties located along the Continental Divide in Colorado lead the nation in longest average life expectancy -- 81.3 years.
After some discussion, it was uncertain exactly why living at high altitude increased one's life expectancy. The study analyzed national data from 1980 to 1999. Perhaps mountain people are more active, eat better and generally don't smoke. Perhas it's because people who live at higher elevations have stronger lungs and hearts.
Susan Gunnin, author of this blog, thinks it probably has to do with living sourrounded by such sheer beauty. "It's got to help, anyway" she said.
To learn more about life in Breckenridge, go to Susan's web site.